Minor Emergency
New procedure
Are you a patient at the clinic?
Do you have a minor emergency and desire visiting your doctor in the next 72 hours?
Please visit Rendez-vous Santé Québec’s website to schedule an appointment.
Examples of minor emergencies: urinary tract infection, fever lasting more than 48 hours, the flu, acute sore throat, strong pains, new fracture, etc.
****Note: It is important to utilize the emergency appointments only if your situation is dire****
If your family doctor is unavailable, you will have access to appointments with the emergency clinic doctor depending on the availabilities.
Bookings for the emergency clinic’s first availabilities start at 8:00 p.m. the night before and at 6:00 a.m. the morning of for the second batch of availabilities.
For a follow-up appointment, please fill out the regular request form https://cliniquemedicalelesentier.com/appointment
or call 450 690-3690 extension 5.